Monday, June 6, 2011

We are the children

This past Tuesday we went to the Viengping Orphanage in Chiang Mai to visit for a couple of hours. We will be participating in an ongoing service learning activity while we are here and volunteering at this orphanage is one option that we have.  My emotions were high and the energy was intense but I managed to make it into their lunch room where we, along with our Thai student counterparts and a few other volunteers, gave the children their afternoon snack!

Which they really seemed to like! And what kid wouldn't? There were two cake type things and a juice box in that package!

The kids had fun talking and checking everything out.

After their snack we walked to a few different areas to play! This little guy whose nick name was Nok Nik grabbed on to my finger and showed me the way. It took us a little bit longer than the rest of the group because he was so curious! He stopped to check out every person, sight, and sound that we happened upon. I could tell those wheels were turning! When we got to the play room he wanted me to pick him up so I took that as a photo op!
Then he promptly got down, sat down, and took off his shoes which is very common in the Thai culture. You rarely go into a home or office and even some shops without taking off you shoes. They were all wearing these mini crocs! So cute!

As it turns out, Thai kids like to do the same things as American kids including hula-hooping, airplane rides, and just hanging out and talking.

The smaller kids were all about getting down and dirty, kicking the balls around and climbing all over us!

I sat by this little girl almost the entire time I was in the little kids room.  She was very shy and didn't make a sound the entire time. I could tell that she was smart and engaged in her own way though. Whenever someone would cry she would look over with concern and she seemed to be secretly fascinated with my camera. Every time I would take a picture she would sneak a peak out of the corner of her eye.
I saw one infant who was... well doing what infants do :)
This kid took a liking to Adjan Rob!
And then before we knew it, it was time to go. Perhaps I shall return....


  1. Yes, I hope that you go back, Bethany. Perhaps as part of your service learning experience?

    Lovely photographs. Thanks.

    Ajarn Rob.

  2. Love this entry!

  3. Bring home a baby! Auntie Cindy :)
